Hi, my name is Michael Cheung, and the purpose of this "Paperclip Challenge" is to start with a paperclip and trade for something better. Then after that I trade and trade and trade until I get myself to the goal of getting a FLAT!!! Nope not a house, A FLAT!!!. It's a daunting task but then again its not called "The Paperclip Challenge" for nothing! If you are interested then please send an e-mail to MHYCheung@hotmail.CO.UK.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Post for the Paperclip Challenge

Hi, my name is Michael,

I'm from UK and I'm trying out something in my spare time. I have a paperclip up for trading and I am going to try and see where this goes. My goal is to continue this trade and end up with a house. Yup. That's right a house. I've heard of some guy in America do it. So I'm gonna see if I can do it here in the country where I was born (UK).

Well l'm gonna begin and see where this goes. So here is one nice normal metal paperclip up for trading. I wonder if this actually get somewhere.................

Anyway going to China for a month first before this really begins.

Contact me on MHYCheung@hotmail.co.uk